Senior Engineer
Alexandra Baratucci is a senior engineer at Marstel-Day with the Resiliency and Ecosystem Restoration team. She has more than six years of experience with environmental design related to coastal resiliency, fluvial ecosystem restoration, geomorphology, water protection, sustainable/green infrastructure, and natural channel design. Prior to joining Marstel-Day, Ms. Baratucci worked as an ecological engineer for fluvial geomorphology mitigation projects, coastal resiliency efforts, water resources, and erosion and stormwater management. Her work focused on ecosystem restoration, bank stabilization, natural water control measures, and habitat establishment.
Ms. Baratucci holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from Ohio State University. She is also pursuing a certification in Coastal Engineering from Old Dominion University and is a licensed Professional Engineer. She has a dedication to protection of the natural world and as such, seeks opportunities to plan and assess natural solutions to environmental problems. This engages her passions of sustainability, innovation, and proactivity. Overall, she values the connection between ecosystems, organisms, and humanity; and aims to work to see a greater effort towards restoration and protection of these communities in tandem.